Currently listening to: The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern

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Currently listening to: The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern

Posted on 2011-09-15 at 3:19 by Sam

Link: Currently listening to: The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern

Finished up John Hornor Jacobs’s Southern Gods and while I’ll have more to say before too long, I was very satisfied with how he ended the novel. Raised questions, let characters give their answers, and an ending that feels solidly right for the story that precedes it is a rare enough thing that, well, I wanted to note that before moving on. As a shorter listen (8-9 hours or so) it was worth the time.

But oh, moving on! To The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern narrated by Jim Dale:

“Anticipation…” this novel certainly pulls you right in. Looking forward to seeing if it can live up to the hype that has been building up around it. So far, a few chapters in, it is delightful, part… Hm. It’s part… well, that’s hard. Some bits Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell? Some bits The Prestige? Kind of, but these are not getting to what I want to get to. It’s its own bird, lovely language, a delicious sense of anticipation permeates the present tense (“he says” not “he said”) novel.

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