Posts filed: All Hallow's Listen
All Hallow's Listen: Doctor Sleep
Posted on 2013-10-31 at 05:35 by Dave

Doctor Sleep by Stephen King, Read by Will Patton Length: 18 hours, 35 minutes
As a parent, I often find myself dreaming for my kids - an easy and natural thing to do. We see these sweet children thriving, and we pour so much of into them, excited about all the possibilities waiting to be fulfilled when they'll grow up to be. But there's a fear buried as well - what if we fail? What if our kids fail? What if we live to see all our dreams for them fall by the wayside, and see them broken by the world
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All Hallows Listen: The Shining
Posted on 2013-10-30 at 05:34 by Dave
The Shining
by Stephen King, Narrated by Campbell Scott
Length: 15 hours, 49 minutes
Some stories you discover long after they've become iconic.
I'd never read or heard The Shining before, and I've never seen the Kubrick movie. But The Shining is a story that has left a mark on our culture, and those kind of stories are always interesting to experience after the fact. Sometimes when you do, you kind of scratch your head, shrug, and say, "It was okay." Maybe it originated or popularized certain tropes, adn
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All Hallow's Listen, Featuring Neil Gaiman Himself
Posted on 2012-10-26 at 15:27 by Dave
Click-Clack the Rattlebag Written and Performed by Neil Gaiman Length: 12 minutes
Neil Gaiman and Audible have teamed up to produce a Halloween treat, "Click-Clack the Rattlebag," a short story that's available as a free download through October 31.
Yes, a free Neil Gaiman short story, read by Neil Himself! But it gets better! For each download, Audible will donate money to, an educational charity! So click that link and get to downloading!
The story itself is 10 minutes of spooky fun,
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All Hallow's Listen Part 3: Dave reviews George R.R. Martin's Fevre Dream
Posted on 2012-10-25 at 05:00 by Dave
Fevre Dream, by George R.R. Martin Narrated by Ron Donachie Length: 13 hours, 37 minutes
There’s a lot of talk these days about vampire fatigue, and whether or not vampires should hole up in their coffins for a few years until they figure out how to be scary or interesting again.
George R.R. Martin’s Fevre Dream probably isn’t going to change anyone’s mind about the state of vampires in literature, and since the book was written in 1982, that’s really only fair. It is, however, solid proof that vampire
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All Hallow's Listen Part 2: Dave reviews Shadow Show: All-New Stories in Celebration of Ray Bradbury
Posted on 2012-10-19 at 14:00 by Dave
Shadow Show: All-New Stories in Celebration of Ray Bradbury edited by Sam Weller and Mort Castle Stories by: 26 writers including Neil Gaiman, Joe Hill, Audrey Niffenegger, Margaret Atwood, Alice Hoffman, Robert McCammon, and more Narrated by: George Takei, Edward Hermann, Kate Mulgrew, F. Murray Abraham, Neil Gaiman, Peter Appel, and James Urbaniak for Harper Audio Length: 14 hours, 11 minutes
Review by Dave Thompson
For me, Ray Bradbury’s name is more synonymous with October and Halloween than any
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All Hallow's Listen Part 1: Dave Thompson reviews The Halloween Tree by Rad Bradbury
Posted on 2012-10-12 at 19:55 by Sam
[Editor’s note: “All Hallow’s Listen” will be a 3-part series this October, featuring Dave Thompson’s reviews on Halloween-suitable audiobooks. Stay tuned each Friday!]
The Halloween Tree By Ray Bradbury Narrated by Bronson Pinchot for Blackstone Audio Length: 3 hrs and 11 mins Release Date: 07-25-11
Review by Dave Thompson: All Hallow’s Listen #1: An October Essential
If you’re looking for a fun story to listen to this Halloween, look no further. Bradbury’s The Halloween Tree is about as essential to