The AudioBookaneers is a blog primarily covering speculative fiction audiobooks, with reviews, interviews of narrators and authors, and coverage of release schedules and other audiobook news of interest. The AudioBookaneers are:
- Samuel Montgomery-Blinn -- publisher of Bull Spec magazine.
- Dave Thompson -- author, narrator, podcaster; former editor of the PodCastle fantasy short fiction podcast.
What else? Another popular category is Whispersync Deals, which cross-checks Kindle Daily Deal listings for inexpensive Whispersync for Voice upgrades to the audiobook edition; previous serial features include The Human Division Listen-a-Long and The Shambling Guide to NYC Listen-a-Long, and the annual All Hallow’s Listen. And, look we have to admit we have a problem, Dave and I both enjoy posting huge breaking news on April 1. Usually it’s Wil Wheaton-related.
Note: In 2012 October The AudioBookaneers was re-launched and re-named from “The Audible SF/F Blog”. See: What’s in a Name?