Posts filed: The Human Division Listen-a-Long

The Human Division Listen-A-Long, Episode 13: Earth Above, Sky Below

Posted on 2013-04-17 at 05:22 by Dave


The Human Division, Episode 13: Earth Above, Sky Below by John Scalzi, read by William Dufris Length: 2 hours, 2 minutes

Welcome back to the final listen-a-long of John Scalzi's The Human Division. The finale episode of Season 1 was: Earth Above, Sky Below. As it's our last episode of the season, I hope you don't mind if I break from form and do away with the recap and thoughts. Let's just dive into that deep sucking vacuum of space together, old friends, and free-fall.

So, yeah. Season 1. If you didn't
Posted in The Human Division Listen-a-Long

The Human Division Listen-A-Long, Episode 11: A Problem of Proportion

Posted on 2013-04-04 at 05:15 by Dave

51UfgTf+8-L._SL175_ The Human Division, Episode 11: A Problem of Proportion by John Scalzi, Read by William Dufris Length: 1 hour, 2 minutes

Hello, and welcome back to our weekly sorta-weekly listen-a-long of the Human Division, where we get together with all our friends and discuss the latest episode in John Scalzi's serial novel while alien ships are trying to blow us up. This week's episode: A Problem of Proportion. If you have a problem with spoilers, you might want to listen first. Otherwise, let's dive in.



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The Human Division Listen-A-Long, Episode 10: This Must Be the Place

Posted on 2013-03-22 at 05:49 by Dave


The Human Division, Episode 10: This Must Be the Place by John Scalzi, read by William Dufris Length: 44 minutes

Hello, and welcome back (you missed me, right?) to the Human Division Listen-A-Long! This week, come hang out with the family for the holidays. So pass the spoilers before they dry out, and let's get going!


Staying with our structure, we step away from the B-Team proper, but this week - we spotlight one of my favorite characters - Hart! I dig that the last two episodes we've segued

Posted in The Human Division Listen-a-Long

The Human Division Listen-A-Long, DOUBLE FEATURE - Episodes 8 and 9!

Posted on 2013-03-21 at 04:57 by Dave

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The Human Division, Episode 8: The Sound of Rebellion, and Episode 9: The Observersby John Scalzi, narrated by William Dufris Length: 41 minutes; 1 hour and 9 minutes

Hello, and welcome back to another listen-a-long for the Human Division. Apologies for missing all you cats the last two weeks - my wife and I just had a new baby, and it kept me pretty busy! So, I'm gonna play catch-up with this post, and then hit you up with the brand-spanking new episode: "This Must Be the Place" on Friday.

So drink

Posted in The Human Division Listen-a-Long

The Human Division Listen-A-Long, Episode 7: The Dog King

Posted on 2013-03-01 at 22:32 by Dave


The Human Division, Episode 7: The Dog King by John Scalzi, read by William DufrisLength: 58 minutes

Hello, and welcome back to another listen-a-long for the Human Division! Every week we look back at the serialized novel by John Scalzi, recap and discuss. Before we dive in, I will say this - if you've been wondering whether or not The Human Division is something you should give a shot or not, I think this episode is the one I'd suggest listening to. Hard to beat for under a buck.

Spoilers sprout like

Posted in The Human Division Listen-a-Long

The Human Division Listen-A-Long, Episode 6: The Back Channel

Posted on 2013-02-22 at 08:39 by Dave


The Human Division, Episode 6: The Back Channel by John Scalzi, read by William Dufris Length: 47 minutes

Hello, and welcome back to the Human Division Listen-A-Long. This week, we're covering episode 6: The Back Channel. Remember, spoilers abide, so if you haven't given this sucker a listen already, grab a churro, and cue up the audio. We'll be here when you're finished!

Let's dive into the RECAP!

Meet the Conclave! Longtime readers/listeners of the Old Man's War series will recognize General Gau and Read more...
Posted in The Human Division Listen-a-Long

The Human Division Listen-A-Long, Episode 5: Tales from the Clarke

Posted on 2013-02-15 at 08:29 by Dave


The Human Division, Episode 5: Tales from the Clarke by John Scalzi. Read by William Dufris Length: 59 minutes

Welcome back to the Human Division Listen-A-Long. This week, we dive into Tales from the Clarke, the fifth episode in John Scalzi's new serial novel. Be warned, spoilers abide in the post below, so if you haven't listened yet, feel free to catch up to us once you have. We're not going anywhere.

Okay, onto the Recap!

We start off Captain Sophia Colonna, she who put her ship in front of a

Posted in The Human Division Listen-a-Long, Uncategorized

The Human Division Listen-A-Long, Episode 4: A Voice in the Wilderness

Posted on 2013-02-08 at 07:25 by Dave

The Human Division, Episode 4: A Voice in the Wilderness by John Scalzi, read by William Dufris Length: 49 minutes.

Welcome back to the AudioBookaneers The Human Division Listen-A-Long! This week, we're discussing episode 4: A Voice In the Wilderness. This is spoiler territory, so if you haven't listened to the story yet, you may want to go do that.

Usually, I do a little recap before getting into my own thoughts, but today, well, screw that. Today, we're gonna honor a member of The Human Division who

Posted in The Human Division Listen-a-Long | Tagged john scalzi, the human division, william dufris

The Human Division Listen-A-Long, Episode 3: We Only Need the Heads

Posted on 2013-02-01 at 07:30 by Dave

The Human Division: Episode 3: "We Only Need the Heads," by John Scalzi, read by William DufrisLength: 1 hour, six minutes

Hello, and welcome back to our latest Listen-A-Long for the Human Division. Be warned, as this is a discussion post, so spoilers ensue. Okay, let's get moving.


We kick off with Hart being summoned by Abumwe to watch as the Clarke is being dismantled both literally and figuratively. Abumwe's diplomatic team is being split up, and she's left with her least favorite diplomat

Posted in The Human Division Listen-a-Long

The Human Division Listen-A-Long, Episode 2: Walk the Plank

Posted on 2013-01-25 at 07:13 by Dave


Walk the Plank (The Human Division, Episode 2) By John Scalzi, read by William Dufris Length: 39 minutes

Welcome to our second listen-a-long of John Scalzi's The Human Division. This week - Episode 2 - WALK THE PLANK!

But be warned! We're assuming you've heard the story (or read it), so spoilers abound!

Let's get started.


We listen to a transcript recording from a Wildcat colony (that is, an illegal colony unsupported by the CDF) who are looking for their supply freights. Their leader

Posted in The Human Division Listen-a-Long, Uncategorized

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