Posts tagged: elliot hill
Release Week(s): Haruki Murakami's Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki, Graham Joyce's The Ghost in the Electric Blue Suit, Robin Hobb's Fool's Assassin, Charles Gannon's Fire With Fire, Ekaterina Sedia's Heart of Iron, John Shirley's Everything is Broken, Jacob Cooper's Circle of Reign, and just a ridiculous all-star cast reads R.A. Salvatore's Drizzt stories (for free)
Posted on 2014-08-26 at 03:17 by Sam
AUGUST 6-19, 2014: Another two-weeks-worth of roundup here, with new books from Murakami, Joyce, and Hobb, backlist Sedia, Shirley, and Gannon, and highly notable epic fantasy audio from the completely unexpected to the completely unprecedented. Yup. And there's a long list of "also out this week" titles of note including (at least) Sean Platt and David Wright's Yesterday's Gone from Podium Publishing, Melissa Scott and Lisa Barnett's Point of Dreams, J.G. Ballard's The Drought, The Atrocity Exhibition, and