Posts tagged: tai sammons
For Those of Us Who Have Spent Way Too Much Time at IKEA! Dave Reviews Horrorstör
Posted on 2016-03-07 at 04:59 by Dave

Horrorstör By Grady Hendrix, narrated Tai Sammons and Bronson Pinchot Length: 6 hours, 16 minutes
Does anyone else out there have an aversion to IKEA? Like, someone suggests we pop over there real quick, maybe bribes you with coffee and cinnamon rolls, and then BAM. The whole Saturday has mysteriously disappeared? Wait, what just happened to me this past weekend?
Horrorstör is one part Office Space, and one part haunted house story. Thankfully, the haunted house in Horrorstör is essentially an IKEA.
Read more...Posted in reviews | Tagged bronson pinchot, grady hendrix, horror, humor, tai sammons
Release Week: Wolf in White Van, Afterworlds, Rooms, Horrorstör, and Terry Pratchett's A Slip of the Keyboard
Posted on 2014-10-01 at 20:33 by Sam
SEPTEMBER 17-23, 2014: Whew! It's been a busy couple of weeks, and this release week roundup is more than a week late. But! I can't do my usual trick of combining two weeks into one roundup, because there's just too many great titles coming out here as summer turns to fall. This week: a full review of John Darnielle's affecting Wolf in White Van, along with picks from YA (Scott Westerfeld's Afterworlds) and horror (Lauren Oliver's adult debut Rooms and Grady Hendrix's bizarre and aptly-published-by-Quirk