Posts tagged: adam christopher
Release Week: One Hundred Years of Solitude, The Secret of Magic, Red Rising, Hang Wire, Dominion, Love Star, The Crane Wife, Octavia Butler's Xenogenesis, and Janis Ian's Stars
Posted on 2014-01-29 at 21:44 by Sam
JANUARY 22-28, 2014: Another huge week of releases, from the old and long missing (One Hundred Years of Solitude and Xenogenesis), to the new (The Secret of Magic, Red Rising, and Hang Wire), to alternate history and other bits around the edges, to a fantastic new multi-voice production of Janis Ian's Stars anthology. Also out this week is Lord of All Things translated from the prize-winning German edition, a highly anticipated YA sequel in Megan Shepherd's Her Dark Curiosity, the latest book in Jeaniene
Read more...Posted in Release Week | Tagged adam christopher, andri snaer magnason, christopher kipiniak, cj sansom, daniel weyman, deborah johnson, dominion, gabriel garcia marquez, hang wire, janis ian, john lee, lovestar, luke daniels, octavia butler, one hundred years of solitude, patrick ness, pierce brown, red rising, stars, the crane wife, the secret of magic, tim gerard reynolds, xenogenesis
Release Week: Chuck Wendig's Mockingbird, Adam Christopher's Seven Wonders, and Lee Battersby's The Corpse-Rat King
Posted on 2012-08-29 at 14:29 by Sam
Monday’s haul easily crossed the threshhold to put together the “earlier this week” releases, including several Cyberiad: Fables for the Cybernetic Age), the much-lauded self-published sf series Wool Omnibus Edition (Wool 1 - 5) By Hugh Howey, and Briarpatch By Tim Pratt (narrated by this blog’s own Dave Thompson). Meanwhile it’s a big Tuesday (August 28, 2012) for Angry Robot on Brilliance Audio.
Mockingbird By Chuck Wendig, Narrated by
Read more...Posted in regular, Release Week | Tagged adam christopher, angry robot, chuck wendig, graphicaudio, RA Salvatore, release week, the corpse-rat king
Release Week: The Drowned Cities, The Killing Moon, Empire State, Giant Thief, and Range of Ghosts
Posted on 2012-05-02 at 14:06 by Sam
It’s quite a release week in the Teen SF/F category, led by my overall pick for the week, The Drowned Cities By Narrated by Ship Breaker series, a post-oil-crash world, out concurrently with the print/e-book edition from Little, Brown Books for Young Readers. Along with all of my picks for this week, it’s in the 10-12 hour range, a length I am becoming more and more happy with.

Outside of YA, and also out concurrently with its print/e-book