Posts tagged: fantasy
Hot Chocolate and Sex! Dave Begins The Tremontaine Listen-A-Long!
Posted on 2015-11-03 at 07:28 by Dave

Finding out that there was a new story set in Ellen Kushner's Riverside was kind of like waking up to a delicious cup of chocolate and then sporting with the beautiful woman beside me. And then some more chocolate. And then some more sport. You get the idea.
Welcome to the Tremontaine Listen-A-Long! Here there's swordfighting, chocolate, sex
Read more...Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged ellen kushner, fantasy, katherine kellgren, listen-a-long, riverside, sarah mallo-christensen, serial box, tremontaine
There is No Redemption in the Sea -- Dave Revisits THE SCAR!
Posted on 2015-10-08 at 04:38 by Dave

The Scar by China Mieville, read by Gildart Jackson Length: 26 hours, 58 minutes
Some books just leave a mark on you. In China Mieville's The Scar, a character is told "Scars are not injuries...a scar is a healing. After injury, a scar is what makes you whole." I don't know whether or not that's true -- or if in the context of the book, Mieville is actually suggesting it's true. Probably he's saying it's a possible truth. Because in this book, every character has their share of scars -- be they physical
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Review: Copperhead
Posted on 2014-12-02 at 05:55 by Dave
![Copperhead: Ironskin, Book 2 | [Tina Connolly]](
Copperhead (Ironskin, Book 2) By Tina Connolly, read by Rosalyn Landor Length: 9 hours, 43 minutes
Appearances can be deceptive.
There are two sisters. Jane was wounded in an invasion by the fae, and now suffers from a disability in which she is cursed by a supernatural anger, and is a constant outsider, and goes to work as a governess in what appears to be a haunted house in the countryside. Helen is beautiful, married a wealthy aristocrat, and is obsessed with society and its balls and fashions.