Posts tagged: wild-cards
November #WhispersyncDeal roundup: A Calculated Life, Off to Be the Wizard, The Broken Sword, I Am Princess X, Ella Enchanted, and more, and! a glance through Audible's "Treat Yourself" sale, and!'s Black Friday sale (UPDATED)
Posted on 2015-11-27 at 05:31 by Sam
As promised, you've got more than 48 hours this time! But there's a lot to look over, as among the 299 Whispersync for Voice-enabled Monthly Deals in Kindle Books there's a good-sized pile that catch my eye this month. And! Through December 2, there's additionally a very nice "Treat Yourself" sale on a big pile of audiobooks as well, and I have a glance through those titles below, followed by a really, really quick mention of's Black Friday sale through December 3.
First, though, the usual
Read more...Posted in Whispersync Deals | Tagged anne charnock, bronson pinchot, cherie priest,, jennifer marie brissett, john scalzi, luke daniels, marko kloos, mary robinette kowal, oliver wyman, poul anderson, redshirts, samuel r delany, scott meyer, skyboat media, stefan rudnicki, susan duerden, the broken sword, wil wheaton, wild-cards
Audiobook release Tuesday: Wild Cards II: Aces High; Eutopia; and Amanda Hocking's My Blood Approves
Posted on 2011-12-20 at 21:15 by Sam
A fairly quiet Tuesday, past the midway part of December. Still, there’s a great new title this week: Wild Cards II: Aces High by Narrated by For Brilliance Audio:

This volume follows a more unified story arc, as The Swarm-Mother infestation approaches Earth, making for a more novel-like feel as opposed to a shared world short story anthology as in the first volume. Daniels does an excellent job on both